Lighter Life Letters :: Blogbeiträge

The Essence of Connection: A Love Story

Oct 27, 2023


Yesterday, Sandra Heim and I were getting ready for a webinar we’re holding next week in German on the topic "The Miracle of Connection".

While preparing and considering what we wanted the webinar participants to explore and experience, we found ourselves immersed in a deeper feeling.

The feeling began to emerge as Sandra discussed two distinct levels of awareness in personal relationships.

The first was the "fact-based" level. On this level, we focus on what’s been said and done, or what’s not been said and done, and how it’s right or wrong.

On this level of awareness, we invest our emotional energy, emphasizing specific actions and events and 'building a case'.

  • To a teenager: "You didn't help with putting away the groceries again – I can't do everything by myself while you sit on the couch buried in your phone."

  • To a life partner: "We haven't been intimate for 104 days, and you avoid talking about it. Can't you just tell me what's...


The Answers to Your Heart’s Questions

Aug 05, 2022

"You already know the answer." As a trained professional coach, that statement used to set off Shailia’s BS alarm big time. Left and right, all she could see were clients who didn’t have their own answers at all. Why would they come to her if they did?!? Today, she’ll agree with that statement all day long. Find out what changed.

You'd like to listen to more episodes like this one?
Visit our podcast website and browse the topics:

You'd like to have more ease in your life and are interested in coaching?
Write an e-mail and we'll make an appointment to talk:
[email protected]


Die Antworten auf die Fragen deines Herzens

„Du kennst die Antwort bereits.“ Als professioneller Coach löste diese Aussage bei Shailia immer einen Bullshit-Alarm aus. Links und rechts sah sie nur Klienten, die ihre eigenen Antworten überhaupt nicht kannten. Warum sollten sie auch zu ihr kommen, wenn sie diese hätten? Heute...


The Point of Learning the 3 Principles

Jul 29, 2022

The 3 Principles aren’t the next HOT toolset is personal development. They’re not daily steps to take to manifest a bigger bank account. They’re certainly not another thing to add to your list of things to sit around thinking about. So why look into them? Join Shailia in her backyard for a little talk about the point of the 3 Principles.

You'd like to listen to more episodes like this one?
Visit our podcast website and browse the topics:

You'd like to have more ease in your life and are interested in coaching?
Write an e-mail and we'll make an appointment to talk:
[email protected]


Der Sinn des Erlernens der „3 Prinzipien“

Die „3 Prinzipien“ sind nicht das nächste, heiße Toolset aus dem Bereich der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Sie sind keine täglichen Schritte, die man unternehmen kann, um ein größeres Bankkonto zu manifestieren. Sie sind sicherlich nicht eine weitere...


The Simplicity of the 3 Principles

Jul 22, 2022

When life seems difficult, complicated, or complex, that’s a clear sign you’re looking in the wrong direction. Here’s where we suggest you look instead: in the direction of a very simple, and yet profound understanding called "The 3 Principles". Join Shailia for a casual chat about the best (and simplest!) thing she ever learned.

You'd like to listen to more episodes like this one?
Visit our podcast website and browse the topics:

You'd like to have more ease in your life and are interested in coaching?
Write an e-mail and we'll make an appointment to talk:
[email protected]


Die Einfachheit der „3 Prinzipien“ 

Wenn das Leben schwierig, kompliziert oder komplex erscheint, ist das ein klares Zeichen dafür, dass du in die falsche Richtung schaust. Wir schlagen vor, dass du stattdessen in die Richtung eines sehr einfachen und doch tiefgreifenden Verständnisses blickst: die „3 Prinzipien“....


Rob Cook spricht über das (Wieder)finden der Liebe in sich Selbst

Aug 18, 2021


Dieses Webinar ist eine Aufzeichnung aus unserem "Insight Circle“.


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[email protected]


Unser Gastsprecher Rob ist in Birmingham, Alabama, geboren und in einem rassistisch belasteten Umfeld und inmitten von Armut, Verbrechen und Gewalt aufgewachsen. 

Als er später dem Militär beitrat, wurde ihm klar, dass er eine Gang verließ, um einer anderen beizutreten. Nur hatte er jetzt mehr Training, mehr Waffen und andere Menschen, die er hassen konnte.

Im „Insight Circle“-Call spricht er über seine intensive Lebensgeschichte, wie er die Diagnose PTBS (Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung) erhalten hat und wie es dazu kam, dass er anstelle eines gebrochenen Mannes zu einem Menschen voller Lebensfreude und Liebe geworden ist. 

Werde Mitglied im "Insight Circle"



Will we meet at the 3P Conference?

Apr 21, 2021
An easier life through a simple understanding of the mind -sounds not bad, right?

As you probably know, we live and teach based on the "3 Principles", that have fundamentally and wonderfully changed our lives. 

Are you interested to look in this direction as well? Then our conference recommendation might be exactly right for you! 
Here are some short key data:   
  • WHAT: The 3 Principles Conference
  • WHEN: April 25 - 27, 2021
  • WHERE: In your home - around the world
  • PRICE: 115 pounds for 3 days or 40 pounds for one day

We'll be there too and are looking forward to hearing all the great speakers.

We just think there is something magical about so many people looking in the same direction at the same time (last year there were almost 2000 people!).

Being on the road together. New insights. A full bath in a unique atmosphere and inspiring speakers - we are looking forward to it!

Maybe you...

"Less is more" with Grace Kelly and Mavis Karn

Apr 02, 2021
You've probably heard people say "less is more". But what could this actually mean for your own life, if it weren't just an empty phrase?
Less stress, less tension and less exhaustion. Does this sound like something you could benefit from?
If so, then you might be interested in a brand-new workshop with 3P Coaches (and two of our favorite people) Mavis Karn and Grace Kelly.
Next week on Friday, these two incredible women will be sharing what they've seen deeply about "less is more".
Here's what they have to say about their workshop:

"We'd like to point you to the possibility that what you're trying to achieve has less to do with 'doing' and more with what you quit doing. If this speaks to you and you'd like to end cycles of hard effort, exhaustion and stress, you'll love this workshop."
In the video above, you will already get a sneak peek on the...

What a brain does – „Insight Circle“-Masterclass with Dr. Amy Johnson

Mar 25, 2021
In this new recording of an "Insight Circle" Masterclass, Dr. Amy Johnson tells us in simple terms what a brain does.

Spoiler alert: In addition to its many life-sustaining tasks, it also creates a whole lot of nonsense and produces a ton of thoughts that we take very personally!

We found this call with Dr. Amy Johnson incredibly valuable and wanted to share it with you.
Don't let the English / German translation irritate your brain. The slowed-down pace has the ability to foster new insights.
So, back to the brain:

The main job of a human brain is to keep our physical body alive. In that area, it is an absolute expert.

Because the job of a brain is so complex, all of its processes are focused on efficiency. And so the brain categorizes experiences, pigeonholes them, and uncritically repeats everything that has kept us alive before.

For our physical survival, these repetitive processes are absolutely necessary. In terms of our emotional, mental, and spiritual...

Discover the light within

Dec 11, 2020
This video is a recording of our extended Facebook LIVE stream titled "Coffee, Cookies & Conversation" from December 11, 2020.
We talk about "Freedom and Hope" with our special guests:
  • Dr. Orit Eshel
  • Robin Taffin D'Heursel
  • Dr. Dicken Bettinger
Join us for more 3P conversations on our Facebook page:
We look forward to seeing you there :-)
So much love,
Lea & Shailia
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